What are we trying to do?
It’s such a simple question. So simple, apparently, that it is often skipped over. Or if we do think about it at the beginning of a project, or effort..do we remember it as we get into the fray of doing? What are we trying to do? What is our purpose? What is the goal? What […]
Your Best Leadership Tool is…
…who you are. “Leadership is influence,” according to leadership guru John C. Maxwell. And nothing influences people more than the personal example of their leader. When leaders are new, what they say carries a lot of weight. But before too long, people start to pay more attention to what the leader does. And […]
Thinking Better – 4 Modes
Thinking Better – these two words are packed with implications. What seems like a simple idea, to think better, can be amazingly illusive. I’ve yet to meet the person who outright declares that they have no desire or interest in being better in general – be it at thinking or something else they are […]