Navigating and leading change in a church context is complex, we’re here to help. From workshops on teamwork and vision for your leadership to whole congressional seminars on evangelism and prayer – we bring our expertise in facilitation to your context.
Joining with what God is up to is our primary concern as pastors and church leaders. But discerning how to go about joining God’s initiatives often requires help. A coach can help listen, prompt key self reflection, and provide some accountability for taking action.
Using appreciative inquiry and other team building practices, we can lead your church through different important processes answering the fundamental question “who will we be together?” Budget planning, elder selection, vision and mission crafting, and missional engagement with the community all benefit from half day to multiple day workshops we can help tailor to your group, size, and context.
We want to be a blessing to churches, so if you are in need of a guest speaker for a Sunday or for a retreat or event both Larry and Lars would be happy to fill in or speak for your event. Our heart and focus is for people to meet Jesus and be transformed by the good news of knowing Jesus and becoming more like Jesus.
We are excited about partnering and connecting you with other resources to help in serving the mission of the Church and God in our world, specifically locally here in Eugene, Oregon.
We are working to network and support efforts already under way to come together in the name of Jesus for the betterment of our city and world. One Hope Network is a gospel movement of pastors and churches from all different denominations working and serving our county and cities. Bushnell University is a Christian university developing students who have wisdom, faith, and service. Common Grounds Unity is specifically focused on gathering unity minded Christians for cups of coffee and prayer, Lars is looking to start a local chapter here. Thirsty Shepherds is going to be an informal gathering specifically for pastors to encourage each other and discuss pressing issues, especially self care practices.
We would love to partner with your efforts to help faith community leaders improve and be more like Jesus. Contact us with ways or resources you are aware of.