Coaching long distance using a combination of electronic communication tools such as email, A3 one page document, Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, Zoom, etc.
We begin with a free initial session.
The leader and Coach Larry have an initial video meeting (via Skype, WhatsApp, etc.) to determine the leader’s personal growth objective – and begin together the development of an A3 that will be used throughout the engagement. The next video session is scheduled.
The leader updates the A3, and Emails it to Coach Larry – at least 2 days before scheduled e-coaching video session.
Coach Larry reviews the A3 and compiles questions and feedback in preparation for the coaching video session.
The leader and Coach Larry meet for the e-coaching video session and review the questions and feedback, agree on leader’s next follow-up actions, and set the schedule for the next e-coaching video session. Larry sends a summary email with key points to the leader within 24 hours following the session.
This cycle repeats on a periodic basis – normally every 2 weeks or every month. The key is that the leader needs time to take some action and update the A3 based on that activity prior to the next session.
If you are familiar with Toyota-styled A3 formats, have a standard you are already using, then we will use your standard format – as long as it is 1-page. Otherwise, Coach Larry has a 4-part generic A3 he is happy to teach you to use. The four parts are described in various terms, but essentially focus on 1) defining “What are you trying to do?”; 2) reflecting on Causes, Obstacles, and Past efforts; 3) planning actions to make progress; and 4) processing what happens and adjusting your way forward.
Each Coaching Session is US$ 200.
A session consists of Larry’s review of the current A3 and the video e-coaching session. The expectation is that Larry spends at least an hour reviewing the A3 and preparing for the session, and about an
hour conducting the e-coaching video and sending a follow-up summary email. So each cycle is considered approximately 2 hours of coaching time from Larry at the rate of $100 per hour.
The initial session is free with a commitment to at least 6 repeating coaching sessions. ($1200 minimum).
(541) 357-8056